It has been a long time since I last wrote in blogElectronica, therefore I have quite a lot of new things in the pipeline. Some are very, very interesting, especially regarding 3G devices with Java, which I will discuss soon.
However today I will discuss a new GSM/GPRS terminal from the MTX family. Certainly, more than one of you will find it interesting, especially as you are able to save costs involved in some scenarios where you use an MTX65i + RS232-RS485 converter. This is the new MTX65i-RS485 terminal.
What features does it have?
Well, basically they are more or less the same as the well-known, widely used MTX65 but there are some slight differences. Here are the main features:
- GSM / GPRS Class 12 modem
- Java programmable, 1.7MB Flash, 400KB Ram (optional 8MB Flash and 2MB Ram available)
- 1 RS485 port with terminal block
- 1 RS232 port
- 1 USB port
- 2 analog/digital convertors
- 2 opto-isolated digital inputs
- 2 opto-isolated digital outputs
- 1 general purpose digital input/output
- 1 pulse counter input (up to 1kHZ)
- 1 I2C bus
As you can see, the main difference/feature is that the RS485 port is built into the modem; it is different from the MTX65i as it has a higher number of opto-isolated inputs and outputs.
Another important difference is the modem’s ability to turn itself off. If you remember, one of the main properties of the MTX65i GPRS modem is that it’s designed to never, ever be turned off under any circumstances. It always needs to be switched on. This gives you extra security like when modems are installed in rural environments and any in-person interaction with the modem would be traumatic. In this case, this option also ensures that the modem won’t fail you. However if you wish you can also get the modem to turn itself off voluntarily with a special input in the power connector.
Can you use this GSM/GPRS modem with MTXTunnel software?
Of course, ever since the MTXTunnel version 7.6 was created, you can use it no problem. I will talk about it on here again to discuss is at a later date.
If up until now you are using the MTX65i along with an RS485 converter, you could save on the converter, installation time and physical space with the new MTX65i-RS485 modem. This is a brief conclusion, I will add more later on. I will take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy start to 2013!!!
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Tags: cinterion, gprs, gsm, mtx65
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