Posts Tagged “tc65”

As we saw some time ago, new Java classes have been included in the new SDK versions from the TC65 module’s new firmware release (current version 3.0), XT65 (current version 2.0) and TC65i (current version 1.0).

Months ago we saw the new Watchdog class. Today I am going to post a small example of how to use the new InPort and OutPort classes which enable us to easily manage the digital inputs and output pins in our Siemens/Cinterion modems.

Programación java Siemens


Description: I have based the example on the MTX65v3. As you know this terminal has 4 digital inputs/outputs which are GPIO1, GPIO2, GPIO3 and GPIO4.

In the example I configured GPIO1 and GPIO2 and inputs and GPIO3 and GPIO4 and outputs. I presume that they are directly joined together through cable connections (GPIO1 with GPIO3 pins and GPIO2 with GPIO4). In the example the output statuses are varied (GPIO3 and GPIO4) and the input values (GPIO1 and GPIO2) are shown through the standard output (System.out.println). In the Java example you can see that the code is discussed line by line so I won’t dwell on it much here. If you use the MTX65v3 and run the application, this should be the result:

Valid for modems: TC65 (v3.0), TC65i, XT65 (v2.0) y MTX65v3

I hope you find it useful. See you next time.

P.S. Good luck for tomorrow (the 22nd) for the Christmas Lottery, let’s see if we are lucky enough to win!

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I haven’t written on blogElectronica for nearly a month. For one reason or another it’s been hard to find any spare time in the past few weeks… I’ve had a lot of work, a personal project that has required more of my attention than usual, a small operation to remove some small spots from my eyelids (I’m sure someone asked me what had happened to my eyes the other day ;) ) and the last few days I have been unwell with the flu. From now on I hope the go back to writing an article every week or so.

Right let’s get started, this is an easy article to pick up the pace. We are going to look at an example of how to get the date/time in your TC65 Siemens/Cinterion modems (of course all this applies to other terminals like the MTX65MTX65+G and TC65T).

Occasionally we need to have the current date/time in our Java program for these modems. What for? For example it’s to save the time on a log along with some data or to do a task at a specific time etc. This means that there are multiple situations where we need to have the correct time. As I’m sure you know, the TC65 has an RTC, but unless we have a back-up battery for this RTC (the MTX65 has the footprint for it), after rebooting the computer the RTC won’t have the time.


So how do we get the date/time? 

Well there are several ways. If we are talking about a  GPS device like the XT65 (or MTX65+G) it’s a lot easier as it can be extracted from the position frame i.e. if we reed the position with AT^SGPSR=0 we will get the response:

  ^SGPSR: [GpsDate, GpsUTCTime, GpsLatitude, NS-Indicator, GpsLongitude, EW-Indicator, GpsAltitude, GpsSpeed, GpsCourse, GpsStatus]

where in GpdDate and GPSUTCTime we get the date and time respectively. But this doesn’t work will all modems like with the TC65, MTX65 and TC65T that have GPS. In fact even for the XT65/MTX65+G we can need to know the time even without GPS coverage.

What can be done then? 

Well a typical and simple way is to send itself an SMS message. I will be able to get the date/time at the end of the SMS after I have received it. Once I have got it from the SMS, I can establish the time in the modem with the command AT+CCLK. This method doesn’t give a very accurate time, as you can tell easily.

Without doubt the best way to get the date/time is using NTP (Network Time Protocol). NTP allows you to synchronize the clock with variable latency networks like the internet with very high precision. For this method UDP packets are used. However this protocol is quite complex and the vast majority of applications don’t need to have millisecond accuracy.

And how do you get the time with some precision in a simple way?

With Time Protocol (RFC868). It’s very, very simple. There are many time servers online that offer Time Protocol e.g.:


Very good, how does it work? 

Well basically these servers are listening to the TCP/UDP 37 port and the procedure is as follows (for TCP):

1.- Connect to the time server via the TCP37 port.
2.- After connecting, without us sending anything, the server sends us a 4-byte data package with the date/time (with the seconds passed from 00:00:00 of 1/1/1990).
3.- The server closes the socket.

It’s that easy.

Indeed it’s not as precise as using NTP, but the time from when the server sends the 4-byte data package until the time that we receive it can vary slightly. But as I said before, being one or two seconds out isn’t important for most of our applications

Java Example.

I’m posting  a Java example here for the MTX65/MTX65+G for those who need it. It does what I mentioned before. It connects to a time server, gets 4-bytes with the time and calculates the date/time. How easy is that?

The program is very simple, but just so nobody gets confused I will go over the following lines from the code:

//Calculate the seconds passed from 1/1/1900 secondsFrom1900=buffer[0]*16777216 + buffer[1]*65536 + buffer[2]*256 + buffer[3];

//Now calculate the milliseconds passed from 1/1/1970

//As Java needs milliseconds (not seconds) to
//calculate the date from 1/1/1970 we multiply it by 1000

//We get the current date/time (GMT)
date = new Date(millisecondsFrom1970);
System.out.println(“Date/Time:  ” + date.toString());

The protocol specified in the RFC868 indicates that the server has returned the seconds that have passed since 1/1/1900 at 00:00:00 and I store and calculate it in the secondsFrom1900 variable.

But Java, the constructor of the Date class, needs the milliseconds (milli, not seconds) passed from 1/1/1970.  This is why we firstly subtract the seconds passed from the year 1900 to today from the seconds passed from 1900 to 1970 (some 2208988800 seconds), obtaining the seconds passed from 1/1/1970 to today. After we multiply the value by 1000 as we need to work with milliseconds and not seconds. The rest of the program is very simple.

Well I hope that you found this article interesting, see you next time. Be good! ;)


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This morning I spent a while testing sending emails through AT commands with a TC65 Siemens modem, so to make use of what I have in mind I have made a brief example with Java, in the same style as I did it a while ago.

Programación java Siemens


Description: It’s a basic application for sending EMAILS with Java for Siemens modems. It creates a GPRS connection and sends an email to the specified email address. All you have to do is modify the code lines that indicate the SMTP server, your email account’s login and password, the original email address that sends the email and the destination email address where the email is sent.

Valid for modems: TC65, XT65, TC65T, MTX65 y MTX65+G

Well I hope you found it interesting, see you next time. Good night! ;)  

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Today I am writing a small post to do with autostart applications for TC65/XT65  Siemens modems and TC65T, MTX65 and MTX65+G terminals distributed by Matrix. Most of you are likely to know about it, but those of you who are beginners won’t. Therefore writing a bit about it is not a bad thing.

If you start working with these Siemens/Cinterion modems, you will probably spend a bit of time reading the initial documentation, installing the development environment and doing the first steps for J2ME (maybe with an example you found on the internet ;) ).

There will come a time when you have made your Java application and you want the application that you have made to automatically start when power is supplied to the modem. Unless you are testing it, it doesn’t make sense to always start the application with the command AT^SJRA.

To auto-configure the modem so that an application starts automatically you use the command AT^SCFG. If you write AT^SCFG? you will see a lot of configuration data. At the bottom near the end you will see something like:

^SCFG: “Userware/Autostart”,”1″
^SCFG: “Userware/Autostart/AppName”,”a:/HelloWorld.jar”
^SCFG: “Userware/Autostart/Delay”,”100″

Programación java Siemens

If you set the “Userware/Autostart” to 1 like in the previous example, supplying the modem with power will automatically start the application specified in “Userware/Autostart/AppName”. In the above example the application “a:/HelloWorld.jar” will start.

I’m to configure the above parameters but I get an error. Why is that?

You probably haven’t specified a password. There are certain commands, including these, where you can set a password to avoid anyone changing anything (a password that you can set in “Userware/Passwd” with the same command AT^SCFG). If you still haven’t specified a password, the right AT command to set autostart is:


Notice the empty double quotes above. They are empty because a password hasn’t been specified.

Now I don’t get an error. What is the Delay for?

The delay allows you to set the length of time from when the modem has a power supply until the Java application specified in “Autostart/AppName” is turned on. The pause is in tenths of a second, so the value of 50 is equal to 5 seconds.

Why would I want a pause? I want it to start immediately. I’ll put 0.

Ok so the application will start almost immediately, but keep in mind that whenever you have a Java application running inside you can’t access the modem by the serial ports or the USB port (neither with AT commands nor MES). So if you put 0, it will cost you a lot to deactivate the autostart for example. The internal Java application will have immediate control of the serial ports.

Argghh I didn’t realize and I’ve already set the Delay to 0 and I can’t access the modem at all. Will I be charged?

No but now you will have to use a Siemens application that you’ll find by clicking on “Start-> All Programs-> Siemens-> (TC65 or XT65 ….) -> Autostart Switch Off.”

This utility sets the “Userware/Autostart” to zero. It’s quite complicated because you have to start the modem and immediately push the software’s button. This is so that for the brief moment from when the modem switches on to when Java application starts, the Switch Autostart Off program will send a command to set autostart to 0. It will take a few minutes so don’t worry.

Anyway if it doesn’t work after a few minutes let me know and I’ll send you a little program that I made which basically does that same as the Siemens program but it’s a lot quicker. With this program when you press the button it sends frames at^scfg=”Userware/Autostart”,””,”0″ at full speed (and not just once) so it is easier for the modem to “catch” a frame.

Ok I’ve managed to unblock it, that scared me! So should I always have a Delay?

I would say yes, at least during the development phase. If you set the delay to 50 for example, it buys you five seconds from when the modem gets a power supply which is plenty of time to send at^scfg=”Userware/Autostart”,””,”0″ to deactivate the autostart.

I hope you found the article useful. See you again soon! ;)

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Today I am going to talk about a little Multiplex feature in Siemens modems. As you know, some of the current modems like the MTX65+G  (GPRS+GPS modem) and the imminent MTX-HC25+PLUS (UMTS+GPS) have a single communication serial port.

There may be some applications where we’d like to have more than one serial port.

Why would I want more than one serial port?

Well for example it could be to maintain a GPRS communication through a serial port, to monitor the coverage level through another serial port and to obtain GPS coordinates through the other serial port. So yes it is possible but we use Multiplex mode for this.

The Multiplex protocol (GSM 07.10 y 3G TS 27.010) enables an asynchronous serial interface to be split into three virtual channels. It’s basically a communications protocol that encapsulates communications between the host (e.g. PC/ microprocessor) and a corresponding device (modem) with three virtual serial ports.

How do you use it?

Siemens provides some drivers for Windows (XP/2000) to be able to use this feature. If you don’t want to use a PC with Windows and you want to use a microprocessor for example, you can install the Multiplex protocol. It’s quite complex but it can be done.

To use driver in Windows, all you have to do is install the Siemens WinMux application. When you run it a window like this will appear:

Driver Multiplex All you have to do is have the modem physically connected to the PC’s COM port so that the driver will find it by clicking on the “Start Scan” button. Once the modem is connected it will suggest some port numbers as to where you should install the 3 virtual serial ports. As you can see in the figure above, I have installed it in COM24, COM25 and COM26.

After installing the driver, go to Start-> Control Panel-> System-> Hardware-> Device Manager:

Driver Multiplex  You will se that the “Serial Multiplex Driver” has been assigned to a COM, in my case COM1. If you right click on the installed driver’s properties you will be able to change the assigned COM, the speed and the virtual COM numbers.

One last thing, there’s a catch with the number assigned to each of the COM ports (it’s probably Windows’ fault) and the catch is that it doesn’t let you install it on any COM number. For example there are programs which don’t accept high COM numbers (COM24/COM25/COM26). If you want to change it, I have already registered to Windows you already know:

Start -> Run -> Manage

I searched for a VirtPort1 string and I changed the assigned COM for another one that interested me. It worked without any problems although I had to restart the computer after making a change before using it.


If we no try to open up to 3 HyperTerminal windows, each one associated with a virtual COM port, and we send AT commands you will see that it works without any problems.

I hope you found this interesting, see you next time. ;)  

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Today I am going to write a small post with a new Java example for Siemens modems, it follows on from the post with examples that I wrote a few days ago. I will be posting more examples from time to time that you can use. If you ever want to share any examples or ideas with me they will be gladly received. ;)

Programación java Siemens


Description: it’s a basic FTP application with Java for Siemens modems. It creates a FTP connection and it creates a file called “file.txt” in the remote server and it contains “123”. All you have to do it modify the code line where the login, password and FTP server are that you want to use.

Valid for modems: TC65, XT65, TC65T, MTX65 y MTX65+G

I want to comment on one detail from the examples that I posted the other day. I posted all of the examples in the format EXAMPLE_xxx. Well all of the examples work perfectly with the command AT^SJRA but if you put that name in the AT^SCFG command’s “Userware/Autostart/AppName” so that the application starts automatically, it will not work. Don’t write the underscore (_) in your .jar file’s name for autostarting.

Right that’s it for today, it’s my daughter’s birthday today and I want to set up the Wii that I bought her before she gets home. And no it’s not a boomerang gift, I’m more of a Playstation guy. :) I will automatically get myself a PS3 as a gift before the end of the year. See you next time.

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Over the last few months I have been getting a number of programming examples for gprs Siemens modems (TC65 and XT65) and for terminals  (TC65T, MTX65 and MTX65+G) both distributed by Matrix in Spain.

Today it’s Saturday and I’m going to give you a set of examples from these modems so that they are there when you need them. The majority of them can be found in previous posts although there are a few new ones.

They are quick examples i.e. I don’t completely run all of the exceptions or anything but if you are just starting out with these modems, I think this may be a good guide. You will see that the vast majority of applications that you can get for real projects are based on small tasks, which is what the following examples show:

Programación java Siemens

Here we go; these are the examples that are in the blog:

EXAMPLE_HelloWorld (Download)

Description: All this basic application does is take information from the modem’s standard output. First you have to configure the standard output with the command AT^SCFG for example AT^SCF=”Userware/Stdout”,””,”ASC0″

Valid for modems: TC65, XT65, TC65T, MTX65 and MTX65+G

EXAMPLE_SMS (Download)

Description: Basically what this example does is send an SMS to a specific phone number every minute.

Valid for modems: TC65, XT65, TC65T, MTX65 and MTX65+G

EXAMPLE_Thread (Download)

Description: The program launches a thread, what this does is count up to 5 taking the result from the standard output. The program waits for the end of the thread before finishing.

Valid for modems: TC65, XT65, TC65T, MTX65 and MTX65+G

EXAMPLE_Timer (Download)

Description: This example creates a 5 second timer i.e. every 5 seconds it runs task, what it does is take data from the modem’s standard output.

Valid for modems: TC65, XT65, TC65T, MTX65 and MTX65+G


Description: It shows how to configure a GPIO input and output with Java, e.g. changing the GPIO output status or how to read the input.

Valid for modems: TC65, XT65, TC65T, MTX65 and MTX65+G

EXAMPLE_TCPConnection (Download)

Description: This shows how to create a TCP/IP connection with the AT command class. The example creates a connection with a socket that connects to Google’s IP; it sends a frame through the socket and receives a string through the socket which shows the standard output.

Valid for modems: TC65, XT65, TC65T, MTX65 and MTX65+G

EXAMPLE_TCPConnection2 (Download)

Description: It shows how to create a TCP/IP connection using Java classes themselves. The example creates a connection with a socket that connects to Google’s IP. It sends a frame through the socket and receives a string through the socket which shows the standard output.

Valid for modems: TC65, XT65, TC65T, MTX65 and MTX65+G

EXAMPLE_Files (Download)

Description: This shows how to create a file in the modem’s flash memory, how to write data in it and read the data too.

Valid for modems: TC65, XT65, TC65T, MTX65 and MTX65+G

EXAMPLE_GPS (Download)

Description: This shows how to use GPS with the AT command class. The boot up program activates the GPS and it programs it to receive a URC with the position every 5 seconds. This position is stored in a variable and it also shows the standard output.

Valid for modems: XT65 and MTX65+G

EXAMPLE_GPS_JSR179 (Download)


This example briefly shows how to capture a GPS position without using the AT commands class i.e. using the JSR179’s Location class.

Valid for modems: XT65 and MTX65+G


Description: This example creates a GPRS connection and uses the Java class HttpConnection that is downloaded and shown through Google homepage’s standard output

Valid for modems: TC65, XT65, TC65T, MTX65 and MTX65+G

EXAMPLE_SerialPort (Download)

Description: This shows how to use the modem’s serial port/s with Java. It opens the two serial ports ASC0 and ASC1 and whatever it receives at ASC0 at 115200 bauds is retransmitted by the ASC1 at 57600 and vice versa. It’s designed for the TC65 but it is used to see how to operate the XT65’s ASC0 port.

Valid for modems: TC65, TC65T and MTX65 (XT65 and MTX65+G only 1 serial port).

EXAMPLE_Watchdog (Download)

Description: This shows how to use the TC65v3’s new Watchdog. The program has up to 25000. After 10000 the program stops refreshing Watchdog so that you see how to reset it after 15 seconds.

Valid for modems: TC65, TC65T and MTX65 (with version 3.0 de firmware)

I hope that you find these examples useful. I will try to put more on soon related to low power modes and FTP.

So congratulations to those of you who are on holiday and to those who aren’t like me, cheer up we’re almost there! ;) See you next time!

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